About This Journal

Start each day with purpose! This is a daily journal for leaders who want to build and lead a team in an intentional and effective way.


  • 2-month of morning journal pages
  • 2-month of evening journal pages
  • Size: 7.25" x 10"

Benefits of intentional journaling:

In my book Leadership ROI: The 10 Lessons I've Learned About Leadership and How to Avoid All of the Mistakes I've Made, I talk about setting the tone in our organizations. That means that how we show up each and every day, and the energy we bring to the office or to online meetings really matters! It wasn't until I did a 360 review with my team, and received feedback about how I managed stress, that I started being intentional with my energy each day. I've seen the positive effects on influencing team energy and I've also experienced the disappointment when I don't show up as my best self. 

This journal is set up in a way that will make you feel in control and intentional about how you approach each day. You'll purposely start with gratitude for your team. In times of frustration, I've found that my mindset always shifts when I can reframe and think of all the amazing things that my team or one person in particular has done for me or the organization. The reality is that most of us go through life on cruise control. We go through the motions and we live in a very reactive state. This journal will set your day up in a proactive way and you'll feel a stronger sense of alignment and purpose serving your team.