SigmaU Blog

The Patience COVID has taught us!

I’ll be honest with you. I’m a pretty impatient person. I want things done yesterday and I don’t like waiting. It’s an area of improvement and growth for me, along with being flexible. When I’m hyper focused, I tend to be rigid and I am certainly not naturally wired to “go with the flow!” Having said all of that, I feel like COVID has forced a bit of patience and understanding on all of us during the past year.

P – Present

This forced slow down has made many of us pause and enjoy the moment. There has been an increased awareness of our humanity, fragility, and our ability to adapt. We’ve been forced to slow down, take stock and be grateful for our health and celebrate if we have been able to keep jobs and businesses running while so many others have suffered tremendously!

A – Adaptable

Whether we were a buttoned-up banker, lawyer or other professional, we adapted to living from home. We leaned in to the change where pets...

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