SigmaU Blog

The mindset of rising up despite the challenges

When we're faced with resistance, we can either give up or rise up. 

Many of us have been sold a lie that life is supposed to be easy. There’s a great Buddhist quote that says, “Life is suffering.” While that seems a little bit grim, I think that we are often told that life is supposed to be easy and when we’re faced with resistance or a challenge, we think something is wrong with our purpose, life, or goals.

The reality is that life is faced with obstacles and resistance all the time. I remember a trainer saying that we’re either coming out of crisis, in the middle of it or heading into it! We can either accept it and give up or accept it and rise up!

When we give up, we start to question our dreams. Is this even feasible? Do I have the skill set? Do I really need to reach this goal? Was it too big a goal in the first place?

We give up when we start denying that we wanted it in the first place. We think, “well that was just a pipedream.  No one will notice if I don’t reach my goal...

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