SigmaU Blog

The Power of Journaling

As I’ve been working with clients over the past year, I’ve noticed that many have benefitted from doing the work of journaling. I say work because journaling isn’t always a joyful experience. It can be joyful, even liberating, but I can also demand that we look inside of ourselves and go deep into the crevices that we tend to avoid peeking in to.

It Takes Courage

At times writing takes courage. It forces us to slow down and ask ourselves questions that we might otherwise avoid. Questions like “What’s really the issue here?”,  “Why does this person or situation trigger me the way that it does?” or “Why do I feel helpless in this situation and how could I change my perspective so I’m back in control?”

It Shines a Light Inward

One client recently expressed to me that she had a huge epiphany. She was in a dark place and when she sat down to journal one weekend, she realized that by asking the right questions, she was...

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