Abundant Mindset

What have the past couple of years looked like for you in terms of your thinking? By that I mean, have you had an abundant or a scarcity mindset?

When we look at abundance, it’s a mindset of plenty for everyone! When we look at a scarcity mindset it refers to a lack of something. A lack of time or money.

I’ll be honest with you, prior to the pandemic I lived in a very abundant mindset.  During the pandemic, I found myself shrinking to a scarcity mindset.  Granted, our business dropped about 90% in revenue overnight and it was one of the most challenging times in my life.

I’ve worked through the push and pull of abundance vs. scarcity and I wanted to share some ways that I was able to shift my thinking and hopefully it serves you.

  • Realizing that there is an abundance of money
    • Money is printed for heaven’s sake. Just because someone else’s business is thriving does not mean yours can’t too.  There’s an abundance of wealth to be CREATED and as long as you’re bringing value to the marketplace, the world is your oyster!
  • Realizing that here is an abundance of resources
    • There’s a plethora of ways to grow professionally and personally. There’s a sea of educational tools, mentors and podcasts that you can tap in to in order to level up your learning and reach new levels of success!
  • Realizing that there’s an abundance of opportunity
    • Many businesses suffered and continue to do as we recover from the pandemic. I’m no stranger to it and perhaps you’re not either but shifting outlook and looking for opportunities to network, clients to call and courses to take to level up really served me when I started thinking in a negative way.

I once attended a seminar and the speaker shared an interesting story that really drove home idea of confirmation bias. We tend to find what we’re looking for.  He told the story of two men who were in New York City. The first man was told to walk around the block and count as many rats as he could.  The other man was told to walk around the block and pick up as much money as he could find.  Here’s what’s interesting: At the end of the walk, the first man was asked “How much money is there to be found in New York City?” to which he replied “There is no money in New York City, only rats”.  The second man was asked “How many rats did you see in New York City?” to which he replied “Rats? There are no rats in New York City, only money”.

 We must be so careful about what we chose to focus on. Focus on scarcity and the world will confirm that there is lack.  Focus on abundance, enough for everyone and much more, and voila, you will find abundance.  The world didn’t change in an instant, but your perspective did and that’s the power of our minds!

 Where have you seen abundance lately and what keeps you focused on plenty rather than lack?


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