Critical Thinking

If it doesn’t feel right, question it!

One of the things I love about working with high performers is their level of curiosity.  They know where they’re headed, they know what they stand for, and they consistently seek clarity.

One of the ways to differentiate a high performer from the rest of the pack, is their willingness to question the status quo.

The challenge is that we’re brought up in a system that requires us to follow along, often at times to our detriment. We’re taught to raise our hands and ask permission to use the washroom.  We’re taught to refrain from stirring the pot if our beliefs go against the grain.  I love working with high performers who question and think critically!

Here are some of the ways in which the highest performers leverage critical thinking to get ahead.

  1. They get curious

High performers seek clarity on a regular basis, which means, they’re on the look out for what’s normal and then they go on a quest to challenge the status quo. They look to see if something has been done differently in the past. They look to see if the highest achievers have taken a different path and they often get curious enough to create their own path. They ask lots of questions and seek to understand at a deeper level than most.

  1. They do a gut check

High performers know what they stand for, what they will tolerate and what their core values are. When they feel a misalignment, they aren’t shy to name it. They often listen to their gut when they see others following the crowd. When their Spidey senses sound off the alarm that the “norm” doesn’t feel right.  They check in with themselves. Then they make, sometimes unpopular decisions, but decisions that line up with their intuition and what they stand for. They live in peace and alignment.

  1. They ask deeper questions

High performers are no stranger to asking themselves thought-provoking questions.  In fact, they typically dislike small talk and much prefer deep, meaningful questions that are future-based. They also question the narrative and come to their own conclusions rather thank seeking clarity from others.

In any given situation they may ask…

“What feels right here?”

“What feels misaligned?”

“What is my intuition telling me about this person or situation?”

“Does participating serve my highest self?”

Critical thinking skills require us to listen to that still small voice that knows what’s best for us.  I recently heard someone say, “Don’t outsource your thinking!”. I couldn’t agree more.  Don’t follow the norm because that’s what everyone else thinks and believes; when you know deep down that you’re in conflict.  Be wary of religions, organized groups or leaders who don’t allow you to question when something feels “off”. When something feels off, it’s normally for good reason.

Having the confidence and ability to think critically involves being introspective, which can be uncomfortable, but with that discomfort comes great reward. A mind that is untethered by societal norms to reach unprecedented levels of excellence.

Where do you start? Know thyself! Spend time in personal development understanding your strengths, weaknesses, core values and your non-negotiables.  From that, you will gain clarity, sharper focus and be able to think clearly and make sound decisions that the rest of the herd cannot and will not.


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