From Trial to Triumph

Life can be challenging and throw curveballs to the best of us.  We have big dreams, goals and plans and then something outside of our control derails those plans, and we get stuck in the struggle.  Today I want to encourage you to honour the process and struggle so that you don’t miss the hidden gifts along the way.

This isn’t about being a Pollyanna, this is about accepting the struggle, seeing it as a process and learning and celebrating what the process is developing in you. 

Let me explain…

Having a driving WHY, knowing the importance of remaining consistent in our pursuit towards our goals will keep us focused.  Reflecting on the benefits of sticking with it, the sense of pride you will feel on the other side and picturing yourself in that moment of victory is key to staying the course.

When we lose sight of the end game, we can get trapped in the victim mentality. I did this recently.  There’s a situation that is physically outside of my control that has a significant impact on my goals, dreams, and future.  It is something that I cannot change or control. I must be patient for the situation to turnaround. I know this now but when I was first up against this issue, I felt enraged, trapped, and bitter. I allowed my frustration to seep into my thoughts, work, and relationships. I felt edgy and uninspired, and it was having a negative impact on all the other goals in my life because it consumed my focus.  We must recognize, as I did, that when we lose sight of the realized goal and why it’s worth it, and stay stuck in what we cannot control, it impacts our performance in all areas of life.

Instead, we must shift from the negative and focus on celebrating and honouring the journey. Amid struggle, it can be difficult to see the good, but I promise that there is always something to celebrate.  My mentor and coach Paul has taught me the importance of this.  Celebrate the learning! This is something that did not resonate when we first started coaching.  You may be like me and only celebrate the wins, the results, the metrics.  I’ve since learned that celebrating the lessons along the way may feel uncomfortable at first but incredibly important as we develop because otherwise, we miss the key learnings, and the lesson will come back to us time and time again until it sinks in! Accelerate the process of growth and reflect on the lesson during the struggle. How can you celebrate right now, even if things have not changed? What is one good thing that has come from your tribulation? When was the last time you celebrated the journey?

Next, position yourself for success.  One thing that I’ve learned during life is that there is no knight in shining armour coming to save you! You are your knight! What will you guard your mind from during the struggle? What will you tell yourself when things get tough? Why is the endurance worth it? Most importantly, what is your next move? Action kicks strategic planning, visualization, and affirmations @#$ so make your next move, as little as it may be, to get your closer to your dreams today!



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