Move Full STEAM Ahead on Your Goals

Have you ever noticed, you feel most alive and fulfilled when you’re under pressure; working towards something outside of your comfort zone? Perhaps, it’s a Big Hairy Audacious Goal that’s stretching you way further than you thought was possible.

Maybe, it’s a lifelong dream to live somewhere else, start a side hustle, move careers, or take the plunge and invest fully in creating the healthiest body you’ve ever had.

Once you have you goal defined, you can move full STEAM ahead!

S – Spark

When your heart is on fire, you’re lit up and excited about your big goal, you have a spark. A burst of energy that will sustain you!  When your goal gets you excited, you have crystal clear focus and become unstoppable! Even though you’re navigating unchartered terrain, you know you’re on the right path and the energy follows!

T- Time

We create time for what matters most! I once had a mentor tell me time wasn’t my issue; prioritizing time was my issue. Ouch! I’m so glad he made me face that reality and I’m here to lovingly hold a mirror up for you too.  What is sucking up your time outside of work? Time that could be focused on pursuing your dreams. Are you mindlessly scrolling? Watching Netflix? Being unnecessarily pulled into other’s drama? Make time today, time block to work on your goals because you’re worth it!

E – Engaged

When you’re working on something that is clearly defined, you work as if you’re on a mission, because you are! You’ll find that you’re fully engaged in your efforts. Its easier to say no to things that don’t support your goal and yes to the things that will help you move closer to the finish line.  When you’re performing the task or activity that directly relates to your goal, you’re fully engaged, giving it your all!

A – Activity

Eliminating unnecessary activities will be critical in reaching your goal.  Create a “DO NOT DO” list and examine which tasks need to stop or be put on hold so that you can focus your attention completely on your BHAG.  What new activities do you need to include in your day or week that will pay dividends?

M – Momentum

Constant activity that directly relates to your goal is critical to your success. There’s a Japanese term, Kaizen, which means continuous improvement.  When I’m working on a goal, I use that concept of Kaizen to do at least one thing a day that will help me gain momentum as I work towards my goal.  What one thing can you do today that will help you gain even more momentum?

Your dreams are worth it, you’re worth it. Set aside the mundane days, weeks and years and pursue a Big Hairy Scary goal that is going to light your soul on fire! I’m here cheering you on as you move full STEAM ahead!


50% Complete

Two Step

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