There will be times in life when our backs are against the wall or we’re working towards a huge goal that requires next level grit and determination.  We will need to PUSH!

How do you muster up the energy and momentum to push when required?

P- Personal Development

Originally, I was going to write positivity as the first P.  However, in order to generate positivity, we need to fuel our bodies and minds with the right things.  Working on our body, focusing on our health, regaining a sense of accomplishment by moving our bodies in a way that nourishes and builds self confidence will be key for staying on track during a big challenge.  The second is feeding our minds! Don’t overlook this. Listening to positive podcasts, reading inspirational books and ditching mindless social media scrolling is critical to build a solid foundation and stay motivated as you press on. Zig Ziglar famously said “People say motivation doesn’t last.  Well, neither does showering!”.  We need to be developing our minds and bodies everyday to rise to the occasion before us.

U – Unrelenting Focus

The highest achievers have incredible clarity and focus. They know what they’re after and their goal is specific. They don’t have vague goals, like “make more money”. They have precise goals with definitive action steps mapped out, so they know exactly what needs to happen each day to get them closer to their dreams. If you’re pushing towards a big goal, you must know the specific action steps you’re taking towards it. Having unrelenting focus means that you don’t give up.  You stay focused on your goal and whatever distractions are placed in front of you, you walk away from because your goal requires a linear focus for completion.

S – Structure

I’ve talked often about the freedom that comes from structure. While it may seem like a boxed in life to have structure, it’s the key to freedom.  When you have a completely structured day and week, you know what you need to do to execute, and you do so in an efficient order to maximize results.  Structure your days in time blocks, and structure and schedule the most important tasks.  Tackle the most important project or initiative first and then move on to the next. Structure is imperative to success.  Start now.  Structure the balance of your day for an increased sense of fulfillment and achievement at the end of the day. Reflect on how you did, how you can improve tomorrow, and keep hustling.

H- Habits

In high performance coaching, we focus on strong habits to support an excellent life. While people often think of habits such as exercise, drinking water, getting a solid night’s sleep, high performance habits are based on so much more.  It’s developing the habit of expressing courage more often, stepping up for yourself and others.  It’s the habit of adopting a role model mentality, having influence and increased impact.

To learn more about the high-performance life and habits, join my colleague and absolute weapon of a coach, who has walked through the fire and can share how her life has dramatically changed, join us June 23rd.  Register here https://www.growwithsigmau.com/chpc-group-coaching-webinar-2022

You may feel like this mountain, challenge or goal is going to break you. It wont.  Challenge you? Yes! But you can PUSH through with these strategies above and I hope you do, because you deserve it!


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