A great coach will PUSH you to your next level of excellence!

Part of why I love the High-Performance Coaching ™ community is that we are taught that we are paid to push our clients. We’re not paid to be friends or counsellors; we’re not equipped to deal with trauma, but we are paid to push the boundaries.

So how does a great coach do that?

P – Paint a Picture

It’s cliché but true, often we cannot see the forest for the trees. A coach provides an objective perspective of reality while encouraging you to paint a picture of the future. Better yet, a great coach pushes you to paint a picture that is so outside of your comfort zone that it’s difficult to believe it can happen. Since we often limit our dreams and goals, an outside coach who believes we can make things happen is critical for thinking bigger!

U – Uncover Strengths

Great coaches will work with you to focus on your strengths.  For years, you were probably told to double down and work on improving your weaknesses. Nonsense!  Accelerate your growth work with a coach to uncover your strengths, and then build that muscle until it’s got Hulk Hogan flex! Working with a coach and understanding yourself more through thought-provoking questions will lead you to uncover strengths; you may currently undervalue, that could be used to your potential and lead to mastery!

S – Dismantle Stories

We all have stories that we create in our minds around why we can’t do something.  We tell ourselves that our grade 3 teacher told us that “we had a hard time relating to others” and so we back down when we want to express empathy. We missed the ball playing net and the other team won the championship so we tell ourselves “We can’t be relied on when the pressure is on”.  We tell ourselves stories all the time and it holds us back. Most of the time we have no clue that it’s impacting our level of success until a coach probes and works with you. Once the limiting beliefs and stories are uncovered, a great coach will dismantle those stories and help you write a new story that’s empowering and future-focused!

H- Hold Your Feet to the Fire!

One of the things I love about the High-Performance Habits curriculum and coaching structure is that it is NOT status coaching.  You’re not checking in each session on what you’ve accomplished, did you hit or miss your deadline. Instead, high performance coaching is about the person you’re becoming on the journey to excellence.  That said, while your coach may not hold you accountable to tasks, they will hold your feet to the fire. They will check in on your stories, challenge your limiting beliefs if they are holding you back and develop an action plan so you can face your next mountain with courage.

If you’re ready to be pushed to the next level of what’s possible for you in 2023, I would encourage you to email me [email protected] to set up a strategy call! In the meantime, I’m cheering you on!


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