From Rubble to Rock Solid

When was the last time life blew up in your face? Like really blew up. During that time, did you think “well this is a character-building time in my life” or did you think “holy crap, get me through the next 24hours”?

If you’re anything like me, it’s the latter because it’s hard to see and appreciate the lesson during a storm. It’s often when we’re on the other side of it that we can appreciate that the situation happened to help us, develop us, or steer us on the right path.

I was listening to my coach and mentor today describe a rocky situation in his life. He had just purchased land which was to house his dream home. He sunk most of his savings into it and people told him he even overpaid for it. When he went to start developing the land, he was told that the land was no good for building. He persevered and found a developer willing to literally use dynamite to blow up the existing space so he could build his dream home.  What was cool was the fact that the very rubble that was blown up and rendered a hindrance to his dream became the foundation of his home. The stones were used to build a beautiful mansion he sat in and behind him was a wall made from those very same rocks that initially stood in his way to deter him from his dream and now they’re a gorgeous focal point.

As you hear that story, ask yourself what major obstacle is in your way that needs dynamite to blow it up? Perhaps what you’ve been trying isn’t creating the major impact you desire. What could you do to really shake things up?

Then reflect on how the rubble or broken parts of this challenge or problem could be used as the very foundation or steppingstone to get you closer to your goals and dreams. What are some of the things that you’ve learned during this challenge that will give you a head start or leg up on your next challenge?


The rubble of a broken marriage.

The rubble of a failed business or project.

The rubble of a fractured friendship.

The rubble of a dire financial situation.

Use this rubble as the foundation for a stronger marriage, business, relationship, and financial stability moving forward. What character did you develop and how will you learn from the mistakes of the past knowing that the very “rocky” situation is actually setting you up for a rock-solid future!


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