Add a little SASS in your Life!

A quick search on Google turned up the definition of sassy is someone or something that is lively, bold and a little feisty.

I like it! We should all have a little SASS in our lives to keep things interesting! Here are some ways that some of my favourite coaching clients add a little SASS to their worlds…

Self Confidence

Coaching provides the perfect playground for clients to build their self-confidence. Often clients don’t necessarily seek coaching to build confidence, but it happens as a by-product. During coaching, they will stretch their goals and perhaps their mindset through new ways of thinking and take bold action by having courageous conversations or making big moves.  One thing that I reinforce with clients is the importance of building self-confidence by investing in yourself.  When you communicate to yourself that you’re worth it, your confidence soars!  You do that when you keep the promises you make to yourself. If you say you’re going to work out and you do, you put a deposit in the bank and tell your brain that you’re worth keeping promises to. It also results in having higher expectations of how others will treat you! When you level up your self care, you demand higher levels of respect and care from others.

Affirming Words

I’ll be honest with you.  When I was first coached on affirmations, I thought it was absolute garbage. I have since learned the power of the mind and the spoken word. It took several weeks of saying my affirmations out loud before I had a breakthrough and realized that I really did believe all the amazing things I was saying about myself. What’s important here is that my actions backed up my claims. For example, I said that I was fit and trim and I also committed to working out. Had I said that I was fit and trim and chose Doritos, red wine and Netflix I’d still be struggling! Words are powerful.  Be kind to yourself!

Social Circle

I recently heard an international speaker and coach say, “Show me the bank statements, calendars and libraries of your five closest friends and I’ll tell you exactly who you are before even meeting you.” Your social circle matters a great deal so choose them wisely. The best way to level up your social circles is to stay connected with positive people you meet either online, in group coaching or during training and workshops. You can also find people of excellence who are a part of peer community groups like TEC (The Executive Committee) or Vistage if you’re in the United States. If you’re not sure how much of a positive presence someone is in your life, ask yourself, “Is the life that they’re leading where I want to be?” If not, perhaps reduce the time spent with that person and increase your exposure to people who are committed to living a fully enriched life.

Structured Habits

Habits literally changed my life and that’s why I got certified as a High Performance Coach ™! I know firsthand that people don’t have special gifts, talents or are pre-selected for greatness.  Success comes down to the daily habits and practices that are in your schedule to help you be the best version of yourself. Many clients that I coach are entrepreneurs or salespeople. They don’t have someone providing total structure for them and so they’ve learned the power that comes from structured routines and habits. If you can master your morning by getting up a little earlier, practicing gratitude, setting intentions for the day, and working out, your life will literally change for the better.

Let me ask this: Could you use a little more SASS in your life? If so, which area will you focus on and commit to over the next few weeks?


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