Same Same!

I was on a group coaching call last night and my coach and mentor made a statement that made me stop dead in my tracks.

He said, “Same distractions, same year”! BOOM!

What a concept and so incredibly true. He was walking us through an exercise to evaluate our distractions and things we needed to eliminate to focus on our goals in the coming year.  When he said that, I literally said “WOW” out loud, put down my pen and shook my head.

It got me thinking.  We will continuously have a carbon copy of the year before unless we shake things up! I once heard someone say something to the effect that people who live the same lives over and over each year stop living well before their dead!

As I reflected on this powerful statement, I started substituting distractions for other words.

Same distractions, same year.

Same associations, same year.

Same nutrition plan, same year.

Same workouts, same year.

Same date nights, same year.

Same habits, same year.

I don’t know about you but I’m on fire to shake things up in 2023.  While many people will be retracting and many businesses pulling back on growth measures, I plan on ramping things up to the next level. As a business we’ll be investing more in our people, infrastructure, and growth opportunities.  Personally, I’ll be mixing up my nutrition, habits, and workout routine to rattle the norm and see change.

How about you? Will you be satisfied looking back in December of 2023 reflecting on a year that has been same, same? Or are you ready to make the coming year, your best yet?

If you’re interested in really moving the needle forward and you have a growth-mindset, I would be happy to invest in a full hour strategy call with you.  You can email me [email protected] to schedule a zoom call.


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