Self Love, Lessons from Lindsay

I had the honour of being coached by one of my coaching clients today! At Sigma Promotions we hold Feel Good Friday Zoom calls over the lunch hour. We talk about all things positive and personal development concepts. This week, I passed the torch to Lindsay, and she blew me away!

Here are some of the key AHA moments that I took away…

Try something new!

We all crave a sense of novelty.  Fill your cup by treating yourself to something new. This could be a new restaurant, food, new hobby or simply a new meditation technique that will inject a little fun into your world.

Watch your self-talk

Lindsay shared the importance of being kind to yourself. As a recovering “meanie” to myself for years, I appreciated this point. She recommended that we become aware of those negative looping things we say to ourselves and to break the pattern with a cool idea. Lindsay shared how she started leaving herself sticky notes around the house and at work. These positive and affirming words started to replace her negative self-talk and gradually built her self-confidence. How cool!

Mentally clean your mind!

Lindsay recommended that we mentally clean and reset the clutter in our minds. We can do this by meditation or by reflection and journaling. She shared that by journaling the good the bad and the ugly we can learn to be a little more compassionate and patient with ourselves. I would add that mentally cleaning our minds and replacing negative thoughts with positive affirmations or guided meditations has been a critical part in my journey. If I have too much thinking time, my mind can drift to the negative. If it’s guided, I tend to stay on course.

Get Inspired by your goals!

Ok, Lindsay asked a question I had never heard, and it was EPIC! “If your life was a book, what is the name of your next chapter?” That is probably one of the coolest questions I’ve ever been asked. So, what is the name of your next chapter? Thing about your goals and get inspired. Shift your current circumstances to possibility thinking for a boost in your level of self-love.

Forgive yourself and move on!

Lindsay reminded us that we can get in the habit of beating ourselves up when we fall short. Perhaps we said we would do something to be more conscious of our self-care and we forgot. She recommended dusting ourselves off, forgiving our past mistakes and moving on!

Excellent advice from someone who has walked through the fire and can authentically share from her heart! If you want to join our community of positive peeps, hop on here to register and we hope to see you there


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