The 6 Ways Achievers Take Action

action leadership Jan 26, 2021

Being a student of high performance and watching those who are the top of their game has been a passion of mine for several years! I’m always amazed that some people are able to create and contribute so much, consistently achieve at high levels and maintain a healthy balance and higher levels of happiness. It dawned on me that these are people of ACTION!

A – Act vs. Overanalyze

Achievers take action even when they’re not ready! They aren’t afraid to show up with imperfect video content, imperfectly written blogs and they execute plans before having every precise detail figured out. This is a key differentiator between achievers and their lower producing peers. Their peers tend to overanalyze the situation, dissect the videos and blogs before sharing them and worry about perfectionism. The cost is twofold. One, the person who really needs to hear your message continues to suffer and two, you miss opportunities that go to the person who is out there making imperfect @#$% happen!

C – Curious and Caring

Achievers are some of the most curious people you will encounter. They have a genuine interest in others, solutions and ideas that may point them in a new direction. They are open to what others can contribute to their projects and ideas and they care about each person’s involvement and contributions vs. how they might be praised in the end.

T – Time-Fanatics!

Achievers fiercely protect their time. They take the “no agenda, no attenda” mentality and only immerse themselves in meaningful work that moves the needle forward. They aren’t afraid to move away from something quickly that isn’t going to produce results. They have a strong sense of themselves and know if they should move on to the next project vs. painfully trying to resurrect a mediocre idea.

Some high achievers that I’ve worked with are so fanatical about their time that have a numerical value for each day, hour and minute to self-assess whether or not the activity or conversation that they’re engaged with is helping move them towards their dreams or pulling them further away.

I – Intent to Serve

High achievers have learned so much because they are open! They have habits, tools and short-cuts that they love sharing with others. They have a genuine desire and need to serve their peer community and when they act and share, they are doing so with an intent to serve vs. seeking approval.

I recently shared where I got hung up in this area on LinkedIn. I had been nervous about sharing my thoughts on leadership and wanted to be a role model for my team and stretch my courage muscle, so I started filming my imperfect videos. I had some harsh criticism about just how imperfect they were!!

As a result, I became obsessed with lighting, body language, the sound and it completely pulled me away from my intent and that is to serve! I really don’t care if people criticize my videos anymore. I know that if I speak from my heart, I share what I’ve learned and genuinely hope to make someone else’s life easier with the hacks that I’ve been exposed to, then my work is done. I do this with the intent to serve now vs. seeking approval for a well-filmed video!

O- Own their Daily Routines

If you were a fly on the wall and witnessed how high achievers spent their days, you would see patterns that the most successful follow. They include a fiercely guarded morning routine which includes gratitude, meditation, prayer, hydration, exercise and prioritizing intentions and reviewing goals. Achievers are proactive and very intentional about their behaviours. They are not in reaction mode like most of the population. They are intentional about what they consume in a day, how they run their days and how they wind down in order to show up with consistent energy and exceptional level of excellence!

N- Next Move

Achievers are always looking to expand and grow. They want to be pushed outside of their comfort zones. They want to venture into new territory and blaze trails and leave their stamp on this world. They don’t relinquish control to their past and play a victim mindset; they focus on results and moving forward. They also don’t relish in past successes. They know that in order to be a person of excellence, what was an amazing contribution or success two years ago is in the past. They are continuing striving to better themselves!

As always, we would love to hear your thoughts and opinions. Share with us some of the habits you’ve seen high achievers do! If you would like to grow your community of like-minded high performers and would be interested in hearing about our High Performance Group coaching, email [email protected] and we will keep you up to date on when our next group sessions will be launching!


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