The Power of Group Coaching


Group coaching, whether it be within your organization or outside, is a fantastic way to level up and step outside your comfort zone!

In order for group coaching to be successful everyone who is part of the group must have similar beliefs and values regarding coaching and want to succeed. It has to be understood that the group coaching space is a safe place to share and learn with one another.

The Format of Group Coaching

The format for group coaching can vary week to week or month to month depending on when your group meets. It is helpful as a coach to lay out an agenda of the different topics to be covered at each session. During the sessions the coach will ask thought provoking questions that will lead to a powerful discussion. The coach may take the opportunity to challenge a participant’s answer to help them dig deeper or work through their challenge. Other members within the group are encouraged to offer their knowledge from their own experiences to their team member support.

The coach can also give you a set of questions and create a breakout room where the full group is broken down into smaller groups to share their answers with one another. This is an excellent time to practice stepping outside of your comfort zone by sharing with a smaller group before sharing with the full group.

Group coaching is the perfect opportunity to push yourself outside of your comfort zones and unlock your potential to become your best self.

Benefits of Group Coaching

Group coaching gives you an amazing opportunity to not only learn more about yourself, but it also gives you the opportunity to learn from the other members in your group. Each member will provide a different perspective that you may not have thought of for yourself. Learning from someone else’s experiences is invaluable and sharing your experiences during coaching sessions is encouraged. By flexing your courage muscles, being vulnerable and sharing your story or experiences, you never know who you are going to impact. When someone shares their story, it increases the level of trust within the group and empowers others to share their stories as well.

Taking part in group coaching also allows you to expand your current network as well as build stronger connections with your current ones. Larger companies can split team members into smaller groups of people who may work in a different departments to help build culture and connection with employees.

There is also the opportunity to be part of a group coaching environment that is separate from your work colleagues.  You may not know anyone within the group but feel you have a connection to the coach. This is another great way to both step outside of your comfort zone and expand your network.

Group coaching has a positive impact on team culture as team members feel more connected to one another and are more likely to keep themselves more accountable knowing they have a support system they can lean on to help them show up and become their best self.

The benefits and experience of group coaching is life changing! For myself, I know I have created deeper connections with my coworkers and have had many a-ha moments. The sessions we have done as a team have brought me more clarity on the steps I need to take to become my best self.

High Performance Coaching

Here at Sigma Promotions and SigmaU we focus on High Performance Coaching, with our certified coach Nikki. High performance means developing the behaviours and mindset that helps you succeed beyond standard norms consistently over the long-term, while maintaining positive well-being and relationships.

Our approach is far more encompassing than just helping a client reach one specific goal like an accountability coach might. Our clients don’t want to just hit a small set of goals, they want total life transformation and alignment. They want to know they’re just as high performing at home as at work.

Nikki is trained to ask penetrating questions and deliver highly engaging sessions that help clients discover deep insights and major breakthroughs. She follows a proven plan to help others accelerate their growth.

If you are interested in unlocking your potential with High Performance Coaching, please register for our upcoming webinar on June 4, 2021 to find out more information.

The Results Speak for Themselves!

"One thing that group coaching taught me was how to gain clarity in many different aspects of my life. I have gained confidence in myself and know my action plan in order to achieve my goals. Listening to everyone’s challenges, successes, perspectives and suggestions has been very inspiring and have had a positive impact on my journey to become my best self."
– JP

"Group coaching taught me that, as much as it may be hard to share openly sometimes, it may just help someone else to know they’re not alone in their challenges. It helps to hear other perspectives – what worked, what didn’t. Hearing stories from others can be both inspiring and motivating to help us take a courageous step forward."
– KS

"Group coaching with Nikki and SigmaU taught me the importance of setting intentions which had an immensely positive effect on my relationship with my husband, son and friends. Also, the group discussions changed my perspective about what success really means to me. Now, I see much clearer what type of career path I want to embark on and what success really means to me. I work on things that fulfill me and are more aligned with my values. Last but not least, a huge breakthrough was that Nikki's group coaching program helped me become more courageous and speak up when I disagreed with something without feeling bad or fearing conflict."

"One thing that group coaching taught me was that I wasn’t alone in a lot of some of the doubts or insecurities I had. When other people opened up about how they may be working through a challenge, it was not only inspiring for me to see, but also provided insight into a way of solving a challenge I had not previously considered.  When you are in a group coaching setting, you can really feed off other people’s strategies and “a-ha” moments to inspire your own!"
- LK

"A break through or AHA moment I had was when we were coaching on clarity, Nikki helped me realize I was stuck in some areas of my life. After working through it, it became clear that I needed to be adding a bit of novelty into every single day to help my growth and stretch my courage muscle."
– SD

"One thing group coaching taught me was that being in a place with good people, you can actually feel safe enough to share your thoughts and emotions without the fear of judgement. Group coaching also made me realize even more that everyone has a story to tell and sometimes the best way to show you care is to just listen."
– JL


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