Stop the bleeding with the right mentor

We all have blind spots and areas that are foreign to us.  We’re unskilled or have low level knowledge in areas and we all need help.

I was reminded of this during a self-rescue, self-defence course this past weekend.  I was going through one of the exercises of escaping a restraint.  I had conquered this restraint before so when I went to do it this time around and had trouble, I became overwhelmed very quickly. This made me try even harder and with even more force.  When I looked down, I realized there was blood all over my hands and I had tiny slivers in my fingertips.

My mentor Boris saw that I was frustrated and becoming emotional. He came over to assist. He calmly walked me through the steps and explained the mechanism to me.  He encouraged me to think through the process and instructed that less strength and force was required.  It was precision and alignment with the tool that would help me escape in this case.

All of this reminded me of the value of having a mentor for our blind spots and problem areas.

  1. Mentors remove the barriers and blocks we have. Things that seem like huge obstacles suddenly become smaller when they are explained under the right guidance. One of the restraints I struggled with in a previous workshop was explained to me in a different way this time around and voila! I was able to conquer it the first time around.  Something that had previously tripped me up, held me back and caused a lot of pain and frustration was suddenly manageable with a different perspective and understanding. So awesome!


  1. Mentors stop the bleeding – literally! In this case Boris’ advice and guidance gave me the insights on how to regain control and composure and to stop the bleeding. This led me to think about other areas in my life. Where am I forcing and using all my strength and energy when I could be seeking out the right coach, mentor, or guide. Where are you exhausted and pushing yourself to the point of anguish where you could be accelerating your success with a little help?


  1. Mentors can see the big picture, because they’ve tackled the challenge you’re facing. Seek out mentors who have mastered the areas, where you are striving to gain proficiency. Stop spinning your wheels trying to fix it all yourself. Someone has walked your path, knows the struggles, and can see the big picture. They can offer the shortcuts you’re unaware of and shave years of frustration off your journey.


We are all capable, intelligent people on the path to high performance and we must recognize that there are people who know more than we do and are willing to help.  What are you struggling with today and who can you seek out to support you?

Self Defense course reference:


50% Complete

Two Step

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