Can struggle be a gift?

Perhaps the Struggle is the gift!

What if the challenge that you and I are facing is the very thing that we need to develop excellent character?

I’m going to go back a few years to my childhood, the first time I experience a major frustration and struggle. I was probably eleven years old, and I desperately want the new white BMX bike with blue and orange neon splatter, full eighties style!

I went to my stepdad and begged him for it.  Being the smart man that he is, he sat me down and explained the cost.  He then said that I could have it if I was willing to contribute. I didn’t make any money so what did that mean? I got a weekly allowance and that’s how I would chip in. 

You must picture this, he’s the senior auditor at a bank, he pulls me aside each Saturday morning and we go through the ledger of accounts! He shows me how many weeks worth of allowances I’ve contributed and the balance remaining to cover half of the $250 bike.

I’ll be honest, during the early stages of our “financial meetings” I was very discouraged. Since my allowance was only $2.50/week, I quickly saw that I would have to put off instant gratification and the bike would have to be mine next summer.

The funny this is, that as the weeks progressed and I saw the balance diminishing, I was exhilarated! Once I finally paid off my portion I was elated.

I was upset at first and then increasingly excited each week as we sat down, and he showed me how far I'd come and how many weeks were left before my dream was a reality. What started as painful became exciting, followed by immense pride once the day finally arrived! 

What I didn't realize at the time was the character my stepdad was helping me develop. It turned out to be one of the greatest gifts and life lessons he instilled in me.

Throughout that “struggle” I developed…

  • Patience
  • Discipline 
  • Perseverance 
  • Maintaining a positive attitude 
  • Putting off immediate pleasure

I realize as an adult what an incredible gift that was because if the prize (my bike in this case) came too easily would I even appreciate it as much. My guess is no. 

As you and I reflect on our current challenges, is it possible that the process is far more enriching for our character than the reward?

How can you look at your current circumstance in a different light given the above story?


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