SigmaU Blog

Why You Must Have Courageous Conversations with Your Team & How to Prepare for Them

We’ve all done it! Someone’s behaviour is driving us nuts. Day in and day out it grinds on our nerves. We’re triggered when we see them or hear their voice and yet we do nothing about it! Guess what leaders, you’re not alone! Most of the leaders that I’ve spoken with hate confrontation and, you know what, I did too. It wasn’t until I learned how to have them in a different way that I learned to embrace them and have them on a regular basis. Like any muscle, the courage muscle - once stretched - becomes stronger and it’s a muscle required in a leadership role.

Defining courageous conversions, feedback and confrontation in a different way

Courageous conversations: are conversations which take you outside of your comfort zone. They may make you feel exposed or vulnerable and typically something important is on the line.

Feedback: is simply bringing awareness to a pattern in someone’s behaviour so that they can improve future performance.

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Cozy Won’t Cut it!

courage growth Nov 24, 2020

This came to me in the shower this morning, no really! I should back up. I’ve been working my way through several weeks of pre-work in preparation for a Certified High Performance Coach™ training that I’ll be completing by the end of November. During one training session we studied the importance of fitness and nutrition for peak performance and high energy. We learned the benefits of cold water and having cold showers. Since I don’t feel right teaching a curriculum I’m not following, I took the plunge! I’ve been ending each shower with a minute on the coldest setting that I can handle. And guess what? It’s not as terrible as I thought AND you reap the rewards of a boost of intense energy!

This morning I was tempted to skip the cold setting. I had just completed a fantastic 5km run and the hot water felt so good. I literally thought to myself, “just keep it cozy” and immediately stopped myself and said “Nikki, cozy...

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