SigmaU Blog

Structured Living

There's an expression declaring there's freedom in discipline; and man is that true.

I've had periods in my life where I've lived very structured and disciplined and other times where I've really loosened my grip on healthy habits and routines.

Here's what I know. Ironically, we all think that structure and discipline will make us feel caged; when in fact those very boundaries are the key to making us feel free!

Let me explain.

When you have a structured life, you wake up at the same time each day, make your bed, spend time in gratitude, workout, eat healthy, it takes discipline and grit to remain consistent.

There are days it comes easily and other days it's difficult to drag yourself to get going. When your structured schedule becomes habitual, your habits take over on the difficult days, so you show up regardless. You don't have to think about negotiating because your habits have formed who you are. For example, I changed my mindset around working out. I was the type of person ...

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Shackles Of The Mind

I recently took a self-defence course which stretched me way outside of my comfort zone and made me reflect deeply on self-imposed limitations.

My husband encouraged me to take the course because I had an incident at eleven years old walking alone that had a massive impact on my life.  I’ve been looking over my shoulder for the past 33 years since, and I lost a significant part of my childhood innocence and freedom that day.

When I completed the course, I realized that I gained back a sense of confidence that had been missing for three quarters of my life.

During the weekend course I realized many lessons which I wanted to share with you…

  1.  Discomfort is imperative to growth

I was very nervous about taking the course. I wasn’t sure what to expect, how I would react and if I could overcome deep seeded anxiety when it came to my self-protection. I had to get outside of my comfort zone physically and mentally to reach that next level of self-confidence. When we place ourselves in ...

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