SigmaU Blog

You are equipped for greatness!

Many of us see others and put them on pedestals. We assume that they know more than us and have an advantage when it comes to realizing their goals and dreams.

The reality is that you and I are equally as equipped or we can develop the skills required to make the same things happen.

Clarity is Key.

You need to know what you want in finite detail so that you can start acting the part of the person it would take to achieve that goal. Clarity will also keep you on course. You’ll have awareness around who and what will hinder or help you inch closer to your goals.

Faith is Imperative.

Having faith that it’s possible is incredibly important. If you don’t believe it for yourself, no one else will believe it either. Have faith that you will accomplish your goal. One important note, as the good book says “faith without works is dead.” We have to take diligent action in pursuit of our goals. We cannot pray for a miracle; we have to be an active participant!...

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Don’t Do that Shi!

I picked up Gary John Bishop’s book “Stop Doing That Shi*” at the airport before boarding a flight. I hadn’t heard of the book, and it wasn’t on my reading list so I had zero expectations.  What a ride it was! I gobbled up the entire thing cover to cover on my journey and wanted to share some of the insights with you.  As a side, Gary is from Glasgow and since my parents are Glaswegian, I enjoyed it even more as a I read through with a thick Scottish accent! :D

I had always been taught that you become what you think however Gary took it one step further and shared that you become what you say. He said that you create your reality and experiences by the narrative and language, the self-talk behind the experience. Not only that, but we also create our experiences of the future by our self-talk and then act accordingly. Um mind BLOWN - and we’re just cracking this bad boy open!

Regardless of our life experiences, it’s the way we...

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Destructive Lies I used to tell myself

Personal development is such an important and life-changing journey.  To pursue mastery of oneself requires deep reflection, challenging limiting beliefs and releasing lies we may have told ourselves up to this point in life.

Our words are incredibly powerful and what we say to ourselves matters much more than what others say to us. While others may wound our ego and hurt our feelings or sharp words may jeopardize relationships, the most important dialogue is internal.

I struggled for years with self-deprecating language, lies and stories that didn’t support my growth. Once I released the grip that these lies had on my life my world opened to more positivity living, healthier relationships and increased self-confidence.

Here are some of the lies that I told myself, see if any of them resonate with you…

  • It takes money to make money.
  • You’re only beautiful if you’re a size six.
  • You’re not leadership material.
  • Who do you think you are sharing your...
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From Trial to Triumph

Life can be challenging and throw curveballs to the best of us.  We have big dreams, goals and plans and then something outside of our control derails those plans, and we get stuck in the struggle.  Today I want to encourage you to honour the process and struggle so that you don’t miss the hidden gifts along the way.

This isn’t about being a Pollyanna, this is about accepting the struggle, seeing it as a process and learning and celebrating what the process is developing in you. 

Let me explain…

Having a driving WHY, knowing the importance of remaining consistent in our pursuit towards our goals will keep us focused.  Reflecting on the benefits of sticking with it, the sense of pride you will feel on the other side and picturing yourself in that moment of victory is key to staying the course.

When we lose sight of the end game, we can get trapped in the victim mentality. I did this recently.  There’s a situation that is physically...

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Self Love, Lessons from Lindsay

I had the honour of being coached by one of my coaching clients today! At Sigma Promotions we hold Feel Good Friday Zoom calls over the lunch hour. We talk about all things positive and personal development concepts. This week, I passed the torch to Lindsay, and she blew me away!

Here are some of the key AHA moments that I took away…

Try something new!

We all crave a sense of novelty.  Fill your cup by treating yourself to something new. This could be a new restaurant, food, new hobby or simply a new meditation technique that will inject a little fun into your world.

Watch your self-talk

Lindsay shared the importance of being kind to yourself. As a recovering “meanie” to myself for years, I appreciated this point. She recommended that we become aware of those negative looping things we say to ourselves and to break the pattern with a cool idea. Lindsay shared how she started leaving herself sticky notes around the house and at work. These positive and...

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Beat Defeat

Sometimes life runs so smoothly; relationships are flourishing, business is booming and you’re unstoppable! Then there are times when you feel like you’re constantly being kicked down by life’s circumstances. If that’s you, I want to share with you three ways to beat defeat!

  1. Remind yourself of everything that you've done before
  2. Seek out support from others who won't be soft on you, but will remind you of your greatness
  3. Take action! Grant Cardone uses an amazing expression. He says that action gives fear and doubt the middle finger and I couldn't agree more.

The first thing that you need to do is remember your greatness. Not in an egotistical or an inflated self-confidence sense but actually going back and reminding yourself of your value. 

  • What are some of the amazing things that you have done in your life?
  • How have you helped others succeed?
  • How is your product or service that much better from the competition?
  • What are the statistics that tell you...
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Conscious Consumption



Choose Conscious Consumption






Social Circles


Ultimate Goals


Media Influences






Inner Dialogue


Omit Self-Deprecation




Over the last couple of months, I’ve become increasingly aware of my consumption.  When I am more disciplined about my physical, emotional, and spiritual consumption I’m peaceful and productive.  When I lose sight of this awareness, I can easily spiral into negative thinking and experience anxiety.

Outlets are an important part of healthy and balance living.  We have some outlets like exercise which support our growth in a positive way. Working out can also provide a way for us to feel a small sense of control in an unstable world. Other outlets include binge watching Netflix, alcohol, or drugs. Our outlets are ways for us to feel a little calmer, a little happier and perhaps numb our anxiousness. What...

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Add a little SASS in your Life!

A quick search on Google turned up the definition of sassy is someone or something that is lively, bold and a little feisty.

I like it! We should all have a little SASS in our lives to keep things interesting! Here are some ways that some of my favourite coaching clients add a little SASS to their worlds…

Self Confidence

Coaching provides the perfect playground for clients to build their self-confidence. Often clients don’t necessarily seek coaching to build confidence, but it happens as a by-product. During coaching, they will stretch their goals and perhaps their mindset through new ways of thinking and take bold action by having courageous conversations or making big moves.  One thing that I reinforce with clients is the importance of building self-confidence by investing in yourself.  When you communicate to yourself that you’re worth it, your confidence soars!  You do that when you keep the promises you make to yourself. If you say...

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